How to Get Free Bitcoin



How to Get Free Bitcoin

How do I earn Bitcoin for free without investment? What are the best ways to earn Bitcoin? Since you are here, it is obvious you are looking for ways to earn money on Bitcoin. Well, you have come to the right place.

Earning Bitcoin for free may sound ridiculous to many. However, this is not the case. You can earn Bitcoin for free online by doing certain tasks. Earning free Bitcoin is possible. All you need is a laptop computer or smartphone with a good internet connection.

There are certain tasks to perform online and earn Bitcoin for free. However, this can be achieved through hard work and commitment. We hope after going through this post, you will learn how to earn Bitcoin for free with or without investment.

How to Earn Bitcoin for Free 

Below are some of the plausible ways to get free Bitcoin:

1. Bitcoin Faucets

Bitcoin faucets are websites that dispense small amounts of Bitcoin to users at regular intervals. These platforms make money through advertisements and share a portion of their revenue with visitors in the form of Bitcoin. Users typically need to complete simple tasks like solving captchas, watching ads, or clicking links to earn rewards.

Bitcoin faucets are easy to use, no investment required, good for beginners. However, they usually have low payouts, time-consuming, earnings are usually in satoshis. Some popular Bitcoin faucets include, Cointiply, and BonusBitcoin.

2. Airdrops

Airdrops involve distributing free tokens or cryptocurrencies to users, often as part of a marketing campaign by new blockchain projects.

 To receive airdrops, users usually need to perform certain tasks such as following the project on social media, joining their Telegram group, or signing up for their newsletter. Websites like Airdrop Alert and provide updated lists of ongoing and upcoming airdrops.

3. Microtasks

Websites that pay users in Bitcoin for completing microtasks have gained popularity. These tasks can range from taking surveys, watching videos, testing apps, or reviewing websites. Platforms like CoinWorker and Bituro reward users in Bitcoin for their efforts.

4. Freelancing for Bitcoin

Freelancing platforms dedicated to cryptocurrency payments allow users to offer their skills and services in exchange for Bitcoin. Websites like Cryptogrind, Bitwage, and XBTFreelancer cater to freelancers in various fields, including writing, programming, design, and marketing.

5. Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining involves using computer hardware to solve complex mathematical problems, verifying and adding transactions to the blockchain, and earning Bitcoin as a reward.

 While mining was initially accessible to anyone with a standard computer, the increasing difficulty of mining and the need for specialized hardware (ASICs) have made it more challenging.

For those interested in mining without significant upfront investment, cloud mining services like Genesis Mining and Hashflare offer alternatives, although they come with risks such as fraud and lower profitability.

6. Bitcoin Cashback Programs

Several platforms offer Bitcoin cashback for online purchases. By partnering with various retailers, these platforms reward users with a percentage of their purchase in Bitcoin. Lolli and Pei are popular cashback platforms that allow users to earn Bitcoin effortlessly while shopping online.

7. Bitcoin Games

There are online games that reward players with Bitcoin for their participation. These games range from simple mobile apps to more complex online gaming platforms. Examples include RollerCoin, which simulates Bitcoin mining, and Satoshi's Games, which offers various Bitcoin-rewarded games.

8. Affiliate Programs

Many cryptocurrency exchanges and services offer affiliate programs that reward users with Bitcoin for referring new customers. By sharing a unique referral link, affiliates can earn commissions on the trading fees or transactions made by their referrals. Popular programs include those offered by Binance, Coinbase, and Ledger.


You can earn free Bitcoin through affiliate marketing programs, Bitcoin faucets, freelancing for Bitcoin, Bitcoin mining, Bitcoin cash back programs and microtasks.

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